Sunday, 26 October 2008

How do you freeze an octopus?

Last week I asked myself the age old question, how exactly do you freeze an octopus? The answer is surprisingly simple, just bang it in the freezer. It seems living in Spain has re-awakened my interest in cooking and eating healthily. To be honest it’s not hard to get passionate about cooking when you live in Spain. The Spanish may not do certain things well but when it comes to cooking, they are among the best in the world. If Spanish bureaucracy is bad for your health then it is made up for by Spanish food which is definitely good for your health. That’s why they live long and are good at sports. It’s not rocket science. I have never seen a healthy eating campaign in Spain. Even fast food is healthy in Spain. Spanish fast food is not a Big Mac with chips. It is a roll’n fried squid or an omelet with potatoes and onion. It’s not just food that is good, coffee is good too. Now I realise coffee might not be great for your health but I’m sure it’s better than that crap they give you in Starbucks. In Spain, if you want a coffee, you get a coffee. There are basically two types of coffee, coffee with milk and coffee without milk. No fancy Italian sounding names, no caramel, whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles or anything else they can add except coffee. And you don’t have to pay through the nose for it either. The Spanish may be good at making certain things more difficult than they have to be but when it comes to food and drink they keep it simple. Good, cheap, healthy food. Cooking is not seen as an inconvenience either. People seem to genuinely enjoy cooking with a variety of cooking programmes on TV every day of the week. The Spanish seem to also be more patriotic when it comes to food. There are just as many Chinese people living in Spain as in Scotland, and just as many North Africans as there are Pakistani’s and Indians, however the Spanish are not crazy about take away Chinese food and Kebabs as the Scots are. Sure, there are Chinese takeaways and Kebab shops. There are even some that deliver, so you don’t have to actually get up. However the number of such places is tiny in comparison with Scotland. Why? Because Spanish people prefer to cook their own traditional recipes. A Spaniard would much rather go to the effort to cook a Paella, or some fish, or a stew than order take away food. That’s healthy patriotism for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss Spanish food so much, why you had to mention about it... :D so Jamie tell me what have you cooked so far? :) kisses for you and Kasia